It is essential that all bank accounts, insurance policies and state licenses be terminated. They are all part of the world system that we are called to come out of.34 If the old man had a bank account, remove all the funds and pay off any loans. In doing so, you will bring the balances to zero and close out your account. If the accounts have money in them, or money is owed, you want to bring them to a zero balance. When we canceled our account, we wrote a letter to the bank stating we were withdrawing our membership from the Federal Reserve system. We asked that the letter be filed with our closed-out account. When you finish your transactions with the bank, you and the bank are separate. You are no longer a member with them.
If the old man had insurance policies, there are several procedures. If it is a life insurance policy, you want to close out the policy and receive the cash value, if any. For automobile, health and fire insurance, write to the insurance company and cancel your policy. Ask for a refund on the unused portion. Or just let the policy lapse. By not paying the premiums, most policies will lapse. You will be sent a couple notices to pay and when they don't hear from you, the policy is canceled.
Bank accounts and insurance policies are items you do not want to bring forward into the Kingdom. They are part of the world system. You want to close them out so that you owe them nothing and are receiving no benefits from them. When I closed out our credit cards, bank accounts and insurance policies, I wore the hat of the old man and signed the old man's name.
34 - 2 Corinthians 6:17 "Come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, and I will receive you."